Our Story
Behind this concept are three blue-collar guys—no giant corporations, no investors. We’re not farming your info for ad agencies. What began as a more juvenile idea on how to manage data when we abruptly depart turned into a mission to address a major gap in end-of-life digital services.
This realization hit home when one of us experienced the sudden loss of a close friend. His family was left without access to his accounts and recurring services, such as auto insurance and Netflix. These unnecessary expenses drained much-needed funds during an incredibly inconvenient time. Watching this painful and frustrating situation unfold, we knew we could provide a solution.
Now, when someone passes unexpectedly, if they’ve set up an account with us, their loved ones can access sensitive accounts and digital information almost immediately. With the rise of AI and its growing integration into our lives, protecting your online footprint after passing has never been more essential.
We’ve made this process not only simple but essential to preserving our legacy and individuality in life and beyond.
Our Commitment
Everyone has the right to leave this planet safely and securely, allowing their loved ones to handle last rites efficiently, without unnecessary stress or difficulty. Thank you for entrusting us to ensure this process is smooth and carried out with dignity and respect.
— Kyle, Rob, & Ryan